
Flat Rock Road District

Prineville, Oregon


Article 1

A. Purpose

  1. Formulated as a guideline for management of the established Flat Rock Road District.

Article 2

A. Membership

  1. Any resident who is a property owner within the established boundaries of Flat Rock Road District is a qualified member.

Article 3

A. Board of Commissioners of the Road District

  1. As determined by the Oregon State Law, there shall be three (3) Road District Commissioners.  Each commissioner’s term of office will be three calendar years, ending on December 31.  These terms will alternate, so that no two commissioners’ terms should expire in the same year.  

    i.  Any member may volunteer and may serve as a Road District Commissioner if approved by and appointed by the Crook County Commissioners.

    ii.  Vacancies of the board shall be filled by appointment by the Crook County Commissioners upon submitted recommendation by the Flat Rock Road District Board.  Appointment will be for the duration of the current term.  

    iii.  Recommendations for appointment to the Board shall be submitted to the Crook County Commissioners, from the results of a vote of the majority of those members present at a meeting.

    iv.  Elections to guide the recommendations for appointment for the outgoing Board positions shall be held at the time of need.

Article 4

A. Duties of the Board of Commissioners of the Road District

  1. The Board of Commissioners of the Road District:

i.  Following the selection of the President, Treasurer and Secretary for the District, a letter of notification, signed by any Board member, shall be sent to the Crook County Clerk.

2. As funds allow and proposed District roads are developed and improved, the Board is responsible for maintenance, repairs and improvements to roads and right of ways within the district including but not limited to snow plowing, capital improvement projects, ditch maintenance including vegetation, and road signage.  All Road work must be submitted for bids in accordance with current Oregon Revised Statutes before the Board approves work and any work started.


  1.  If emergency snow plowing is needed.

  2. If the Board has a current signed contract with a road maintenance provider, bids are not required.

  3. The Board is responsible for the operations of the Road District in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes. 

  4. Two Board members needed to decide if snow plowing is necessary. Proxy meeting may be used in the absence of a quorum.  

  5. The Board shall designate a Registered Office and Registered Agent, as required by state law.

  6. Any complaint to come before the Board made by a property owner, must be submitted in writing prior to the meeting date.

  7. Use of motor oil on roads within the District:

    i.  No one shall use motor oil on the roads of the Flat Rock Road District.  Any other dust retardant must have the express permission of the Road Commission.  If anyone is found in violation, law enforcement will be notified. 

  8. No parking of vehicles, RV’s, etc., in roadway of District boundaries at any time, day or night.  Law enforcement will be notified of violations.

  9.  Residents are responsible for the clearing of berms left by the snow plow in front of their driveway or property.

  10.  There will be no parking to load or unload children within 50 feet of any stop sign or signal.

  11.  Trees that fall onto roadway from private property shall be removed from roadway by property owner.  If property owner does not remove tree(s) in timely manner, officers of Flat Rock Road District shall be authorized to cut tree(s) from roadway to property line.

  12.  Any vandalism to mailboxes, stop signs or roads within the Flat Rock Road District are in violation of State and Federal Law.                

B.  Duties of individual commissioners:

  1.  Duties of President:

    i.  The President of the Board shall reside at all meetings of the board.  The President shall perform all of the duties prescribed by the Oregon Revise Statutes.  

    ii.  The President shall consult with the Secretary of the Board regarding preparation of each Board meeting agenda.

    iii.  The President shall have the same right as other members of the Board to discuss and vote on questions before the Board.

    iv.  The President shall call special meetings of the Board as described by the Oregon Revised Statutes related to Special Road Districts.

    v.  The President of the Board shall sign official district documents on behalf of the Board when authorized to do so by a majority of the Board.

    vi.  The President of the Board, Secretary and Treasurer shall sign checks to pay District bills.

    vii.  The President shall oversee the repairs of the roads within the boundaries of the district and shall obtain bids in accordance of ORS 279A, 279B, and 279C respectively.  Exception:  Procurements between $1,000 and $100,000 shall

    follow intermediate procurement process as identified in 279A, 279B and 279C respectively.  All such final bids must be approved by ⅔ vote of the Board prior to commencing any work.

    viii.  The President shall submit a report to the Board quarterly on the conditions of the roads relating to their needs for impending and future repairs. 

    ix.  The President shall report to the Crook County Board of Commissioners annually the districts status of work, overall road conditions, and any other pertinent information during January each year.  This shall be an agenda item for the Crook County Board of Commissioners. 

  2.  Secretary:

    i.  The Secretary of the board shall take accurate minutes of each board meeting and distribute minutes to each board member in a timely manner for review prior to approval.  The Secretary of the board shall maintain official minutes.  Any of the foregoing responsibilities may be delegated to members of the district under supervision of the Secretary.  

    ii.  The Secretary of the board shall maintain records of all board records including but not limited to correspondence, agendas, meeting minutes, any and all records as required by Oregon Revised Statutes that pertain to Special Road Districts.

    iii.  The Secretary of the board shall preside over regular meetings in absence of President.

    iv.  The Secretary of the board shall give reasonably calculated notice of meetings to interested persons, including news media at least 2 weeks prior to meeting.

    1. Central Oregonian

    2. Flat Rock Road District website,

    3. To any and all members who wish to receive notice.  Notice can be made electronically, or in cases where electronic notice is not feasible, a notice can be mailed or hand delivered to residence.

        v.  The Secretary of the board shall sign all checks along with the President and Treasurer.  

       vi.  The Secretary of the board shall keep an updated list of all members living within the district.

3.  Treasurer:

i.  The Treasurer of the board shall assure that accurate accounting and financial records are maintained by the District.

ii.  The Treasurer of the board shall maintain financial records and prepare all financial reports.  

iii.  The Treasurer of the board shall verify all invoices received and write checks for payment.  All checks will contain invoice number of job description of work completed and must be signed by the President, Secretary and Treasurer.

iv.  The Treasurer of the board shall prepare Treasurer’s Report to be presented at each regular meeting.  Reports will include:

  1. Previous and current balance.

  2. Receipts and source of revenue.

  3. Disbursements of preceding month’s expenses.

  4. Outstanding bills.

       v.  The Treasurer of the board shall submit District budget information to the County by July 15th each year for the coming fiscal year.

      vi.  The Treasurer of the board shall submit Audit Report to Secretary of State each year by September 30.

     vii.  The Treasurer of the board shall submit all other required reports to Crook County and to the State of Oregon.

Article 5

  1.  Contents of Minutes and Reports:

  1.  Minutes of the meetings need not be verbatim transcripts, nor are tape recordings required.  Minutes must give a true reflection of matters discussed at at the meeting and the views of the participants.

  2.  Minutes shall contain:

    i.  Members present

    ii.  Motions, proposals, resolutions, orders, ordinances, and measures proposed and their disposition. 

    iii.  Results of all votes taken.

    iv.  The substance of any discussion of matter.

    v.  A reference to any document discussed at the meeting.

    vi.  All motions and any business of the meeting.

    Article 6

    A. Meetings

    1. Regular meetings will be held on the last Wednesday of each month unless circumstances require cancellation.  Cancellations, other than emergency in nature, will be announced at a regularly scheduled meeting.

    2.  Meeting place will be as agreed upon by the Board of Commissioners.

    3. Special meetings, if needed, will be at a time and place determined by the President.

    i.  Unless of an emergency nature, notice of the meeting must be as heretofore prescribed for regular meetings.

    4. The presence of two (2) Commissioners at a regular or special meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Article 7

A. Procedure for Recall

  1. A petition of recall must contain the signature of at least fifty percent of the resident members to be valid.

  2. A petition of recall must be presented to the Board at a regular meeting.

  3. Upon receipt of a valid petition, the Board will designate that a recall election is to be on the agenda of the next regular meeting.

i.  A majority vote  of those present at the time of the recall election will be presented to the Crook County Board of Commissioners for their action.

Article 8

A. Adoption of Bylaws

  1.  These bylaws must receive the majority vote of the board members to be adopted.  

  2. Proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be presented to members present at a regular meeting thirty days prior to any action taken.

  3. If these bylaws in any way conflict with Oregon state law, the state law will prevail.

   Article 9

  1.  Roberts Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern in all matters not covered in these Bylaws or by State law.

Adopted November 30, 2022